It is critical that our elected officials be made aware of our need to protect the life blood of Mother Earth our rivers from further pollution. I was blessed in September,2009 to row a 17,000 lb flat boat with the FIRST SQUAD-CORPS OF DISCOVERY men and women on the Wild Mississippi River. For two weeks we rowed from St. Louis to Memphis, Tn in the ANGELA’S ARK FLAT BOAT. It was the 200th anniversary of MERIWETHER LEWIS’S September,1809 last trip on the Mississippi River that we were reenacting. ANGELA’S ARK the flat boat now sits on the Mudd Island Museum grounds as a living history exhibit to show our next generation what kind of craft was used 200 years ago to navigate the Mighty Mississippi River. John Ruskeyand Mike Clark are true riverkeepers of this Great Nation’s life blood. Fortunately, Mother Nature has been able to slow down modern days damage to the rivers every spring. As a wise elder keeps telling me, “THE SOLUTION TO POLLUTION IS DILUTION” The more people who share these stories on a sandy beach the better, Please support WILDMILES.ORG
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